Frequently Asked Questions
If we haven’t answered your question in our FAQ, please get in touch using our contact form. We’ll be happy to help!
How much do your services cost and when do I pay?
We offer competitively priced services for our expertise in editing genre fiction. Prices vary depending on your requirements, primarily depending on the length of your manuscript. Please contact us to discuss your needs and we’ll be happy to offer a quote once we know more about your writing.
Once the rate and delivery time have been agreed, we kindly request payment when you send us your manuscript (or other documents). Payment details will be sent during initial email discussions.
How should I format my book?
For all documents (book manuscripts, synopses, plot outlines and letters) please submit a Microsoft Word file (.doc). ideally use:
A simple font
12 pt font size
1.5X spacing
Add page numbers
What is the feedback like?
We provide written feedback in two ways:
1) Comments on your document: these allow us to make specific suggestions and you can see exactly the paragraphs/words we’re referring to. It can also make your editing process a little simpler.
2) An editorial letter: we go into more detail about the “bigger picture” elements which you could improve on. These might include character arcs, world building, plot holes, pacing, writing style and more.
Our feedback is always constructive, offering tips and examples. If you’re ever unsure what our feedback is suggesting, we’re happy to discuss it with you.
How “finished” should my book be?
You can submit your book to us whenever you want feedback on its current state.
For many writers, this is when they have finished the entire book and don’t know how to further improve it by themselves.
For others, they may want feedback on the first half of the book, or just the first few chapters (especially as agents and publishers often request a sample — perhaps 10,000 words or the first 3 chapters, for example).
Don’t worry about your book “not being perfect” as that’s why we’re here. We’ve helped writers improve books of all kinds and at all stages of the writing process.
How long will I need to wait?
Our feedback can take up to four weeks, but it might be possible to provide feedback sooner if needed.
What happens after I receive my editorial feedback?
We recommend that you read through our feedback carefully and take at least a couple of days to process it. If you have any questions, you can get in touch and we’d be pleased to discuss it with you.
Then it’s time to start making your edits!
If you finish your edits and want to hire our services again, we offer a discount for returning writers.
Can I get a refund if I don’t like the feedback?
Once you have paid your fee and work has begun, fees are non-refundable.
However, if for some reason we are unable to complete the agreed work, you will be given a full refund.
Do you provide proofreading services?
If you want to eliminate errors (typos, spelling mistakes, inconsistencies and more) from your manuscript, Black Blade Literary can help! We have professional proof-readers ready to edit your story to make it as polished as possible. We recommend this as a final editing stage, after your manuscript is fully complete and edited.
Do you provide feedback on kids or young adult books?
We focus on genre novels for adults. However, we can recommend other editorial services which are dedicated to kids and young adult literature if you get in touch.
Who made your artwork?
Our logo was designed by Cat Hellissen and our banner was designed by Aimee Lockwood, with many thanks.
"Black Blade Literary does a wonderful job of sharpening an author's work to a diamond finish while keeping the integrity of their voice intact and the heart of their story beating."
Callum McSorley, author of novels, novelettes and short stories, including “Squeaky Clean”, “The Lunatic Song” and “The Brothers Oe”