Our services
Receive detailed, personal feedback on your manuscript. Our professional editors provide in-text comments AND a detailed, written feedback letter full of constructive suggestions.
We cover a range of important elements of writing, including: plotting, character, world building, writing style, pacing and more!
If you have something specific that you’d like our editors to feed back on, no problem! We can help you achieve your vision for your book. This includes proofreading services to eliminate errors from your manuscript.
Plans & Synopses
Get professional support making a detailed plan for your novel. Make sure your plot is engaging, your concepts are fleshed out and your character arcs are established before you start writing.
Lots of ideas but unsure which to focus on? Send your book ideas. Our editors will provide their recommendations and suggest improvements. Your ideas will always remain completely confidential.
Create a professional synopsis for your book. This synopsis can be sent to agents and publishers when you submit your manuscript to them.
Query letters
Let us help you tailor your query letter to agents and publishers. We know what agents and publishers want to see! We can advise on what to include, what to omit and how to submit.
Support in writing each unique section of your letter, including your biography, novel summary, book comparisons, why you chose a particular agent/publisher and more.
Advice on how to find your ideal agent or publisher.
"Black Blade has a sharp eye for the right words, and a sharp pencil for the wrong ones."
Ken MacLeod, author of best-selling science fiction novels including the “Engines of Light” series, “The Star Fraction” and “Newton’s Wake”
To find out about our prices, ask questions about our services or to schedule your writing for editorial feedback, please use our contact form.